Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Most Important Thing About Plastic Surgery

This is the inaugural post for a forum I hope will stimulate some truthful discussion about cosmetic surgery. Since there has been so much exposure in the news, reality TV shows, tabloids, perceptions of patients and doctors about the field can be distorted and may lead both the patient and the doctor down a disagreeable path. For example, some patients automatically assume that plastic surgeons showcased on TV shows are experts and excellent doctors. This is not always the case. What makes an outstanding physician and what makes for good television is not always compatible.
I have always wondered what a patient thinks is the most important thing when seeking out a plastic surgeon especially for cosmetic surgery. Is it the reputation and if so how does one judge reputation? Is it education? Is it specific experience in a specific procedure? Is it recommendations by friends, other patients, doctors, other professionals such as hairdressers, aestheticians? Is it office location, office decor, hospital affiliation, personality? Any comments?
